American Chamber

With the rise of the Chinese economy, China has become one of the fastest growing economies in the global. According to World Bank statistics, Chinas GDP proportion in the global economy has increased from 4.1% in 2001 to 10.4 percent in 2011; the further development of the worlds manufacturing as China cone crusher manufacturing industry, and overtook the United States value-added countries in 2010. Performance-Based Interviewing (PBI) When the company plans to hire a large number of sales people into the same or similar positions (e.g., business to business sales rep, account executive), we offer Performance-Based Interviewing (PBI) services. This solution takes advantage of our team of Industrial/Organizational Psychologists who are experts in developing customized structured interviews for sales positions. After the interview guide has been developed and all questions are confirmed to be job-related, interviewers learn how to successfully conduct and score the PBI in a one-day course.

The rapid growth of foreign investment A large number of foreign investors want to invest in China because of powerful economic influence, a huge consumer market, low work resources, and increasingly sophisticated market economy and legal system, the gradual relaxation of foreign trade business and the substantial decrease in tariff. According to statistics, the national and regional investments are more than 190 in China and foreign-invested enterprises reached 347,000, more than 480 Fortune 500 companies conducted business in China. Chinese American Chamber of Commerce recently announced that more than 80 percent of U.S. companies optimistic about business prospects in China and 73 percent of companies plan to expand investment in China. Simulation-based Assessments One of the best predictors of how someone will perform on the job is a measure of how they perform on a simulation of the job.

This series of assessments can include in-basket and role play exercises designed to give the candidate an opportunity to perform behaviors linked with success on the job. Materials can be presented electronically or on paper and role-plays can be either in-person or over the telephone. Exercises are scored by professional assessors. Results include feedback reports that are rich with behavioral examples of the candidates strengths and areas for development opportunity. There are many forms of foreign trade in China, including direct orders from the outside, the establishment of representative offices, the establishment of the trading company of domestic capital, establishment of trading companies with foreign investment, increase the operating range of the original foreign-funded enterprises. In recent years, with Chinese ball mill industry structure was further optimized, the foreign trade activities in China has also undergone changes, service trade has become a new hotspot of foreign investment. A notable feature of service sector growth in foreign investment is the rapid growth of the number of services utilization of foreign capital.

X 4 EDI Broker Electronic Data Exchange On The Basis Of The X 4 BPM Suite

Ettlingen, November 2010 – a majority of documents (invoices, orders, shipping notification) by post Softproject GmbH offers 4 EdiBroker, which still is the solution to the electronic data exchange with business partners with the X or fax sent, because different systems are used in companies. These documents must be entered laboriously in various systems. It takes lot of time and resources, is prone to errors and costs money. Connect & work with your business partners of the X 4 EdiBroker allows entry into cross-company data exchange without complicated programming and adjustment works of the order until the settlement of the invoice. X 4 EdiBroker to automate business processes, taking into account the existing systems. You can be media applications on every system of your business partners. X 4 EdiViewer can all messages displayed and the EDI officer or the officer failed message can be edited conveniently.

All messages and all systems Industry-specific EDIFACT message type DESADV, INVOIC, ORDERS are supported. Data can be transferred via all common communication channels (X 400, email, HTTP, FTP, OFTP, AS2). All systems (SAP, Oracle, Microsoft) can be connected with X 4 EdiBroker. Automated and reliable processes of the delivery request about the procurement, purchasing planning, production control, sales promotion and transport logistics to the payment processing controls X 4 EdiBroker not only the cross-company communication, but also the existing systems into automated business processes. Eliminates time-consuming manual edits. Furthermore, X 4 EdiBroker already includes a variety of standard processes, which can be used immediately. For the transfer of highly sensitive business messages, an EDI system must guarantee 100% security. The secure transfer of data includes the continuous availability through multiple server systems (failover) 4 EdiBroker X and secure transmission methods.

X 4 ensures the rule-compliant transmission of electronic documents E.g. on digital signatures and encrypted documents. More information at SoftProject and X 4 SoftProject support since many years companies in the optimization and automation of business processes. With the business process management (BPM) platform X 4 thanks to preconfigured business processes solutions quickly implemented. X 4 serves as a central base for the networking of any IT systems. Employees, partners and customers are using adapters (such as EDI, SEPA, SAP R/3, PDF u. v. w.) and comfortable user interface is integrated into the business processes. The clientele of SoftProject include insurance companies, utilities, banks, industry, logistics, trade and others. More than 250 national and international customers automate their business processes successfully with X 4. Your contact partner: SoftProject GmbH Stefan Sihler head of marketing at the Erlengraben 3 D-76275 Ettlingen FON: + 49 (0) 7243 / 561 75-124 fax: + 49 (0) 7243 / 561 75-199

Theft In The Workplace

Detectives solve theft by employees in the workplace. Theft by employees is a problem not only in anonymous companies. Even at supposedly manageable sizes, silver could afford occasions cheated business owners support the detective agency. The owner of a well-known beauty salons in Heidelberg, noticed that regularly cash in the cash register was missing. She suspected one of its longtime employees, could prove nothing concrete but. Thus, the experienced contractor commissioned the private and economic investigation agency silver to find out how the false cash arise.

Considering the privacy issues with regard to privacy, two video cameras were installed above the cash register, so to determine beyond reasonable doubt was how much money when opening the cash register was done both inside or out. After a three-week monitoring Hare and subsequent evaluation of the videos on the part of the employees of the Detektei silver, clearly she could as a perpetrator 39 years old hired haircut Heidi F. from the nearby Schwetzingen are determined. These had regularly as soon as her boss by talking to customers was distracted, opened the cash register and each stolen in smaller quantities of notes and coins. In the course of the observation a theft proved so at least by over 500,-euro. The unique evidence prompted the owner of the salon to a termination without notice. At the same time she could successfully demand the restitution of the stolen money and the payment of the costs of the detective. Was disappointing for the Prosecutor in particular, that she had built up an almost familial relationship of trust to their longtime employees over the course of time, that they had exploited shamelessly. For more information, see:…

Navy Seal Erik Prince

As icing on the cake, September 11, 2011 picked the world completely off its hinges. George W. Bush plunged into his personal crusade and his nation in guerrilla wars that they could not win. The U.S. armed forces appearing up to now invincible were completely overwhelmed. So companies like Halliburton or DynCorp did this, why they were there: they supported. However not as so far only logistically, but increasingly armed.

Thus, an absurd cycle continued. Because security companies needed specialists and they in turn recruited them from the armed forces. You were not only with veteran veterans, satisfied like our Bill Simmons, but actively went on a promotional tour. Not infrequently, forces soldiers left the army to the same work, only much better paid for a private provider to do special. Which in turn deserved so well that they could offer their employees often equipment, where not even the good equipped army could keep up with. From Blackwater to XE services the infamous Blackwater company drove this on the top.

On its premises in the swamps of South Carolina, she produced even armoured vehicles and helicopters. They found deep in a law free area an ideal playground then in the Iraq. Because the only jurisdiction subject to the Blackwater employee who was the American. Only as the irate mob, 2004, four Blackwater contractor in Fallujah killed and desecrated their corpses in front of running cameras, was loud for the first time the discussion to the private soldiers. What followed was a less media hype about Blackwater and co. It backfired however thoroughly for the company. Because exaggerated martial appearance and exaggerated reactions of private contractors were attempting to move acceptance of this new form of privatized warfare. And no later than 2007 with an incident in the Iraq in which Blackwater security guards seemingly indiscriminately shot civilians in a lot, which was Founder of the company, the former Navy Seal Erik Prince, public definitively too bright. But even renaming the company 2009 XE services and the effort quieter public appearance could not conceal the fact that without companies such as Blackwater to the main hotspot of the present no longer runs. So, alone 52 private security companies with approximately 52,000 employees involved in Afghanistan. The Afghan head of State Hamid Karzai wanted to curb their usage with a ban on 01.01.2011, had to soften this but again now and put into perspective. Now, it should apply only outside of all military and diplomatic areas. It remains to be seen whether even this restriction will prove realistic, because now private security employees train members of the Afghan army and police. The mercenary profession so not only fundamentally changed. Even if the core is still the same as 500 years ago: there is no longer the classic mercenary. His new profession is commercialized, organized and economic more relevant, than it ever was. And even if moral concerns in the use of private security companies in the military sector will never fall silent: it all looks as if the business with the violence has a rosy future. Stefan Schmid * name changed

Permanent Native Campaign

Araatuba, SP? In the last Saturday, 13 of November, the Legion of the Good will (LBV) collected, in partnership with the Brazilian Army, not perishable foods for the Permanent Native Campaign of the LBV? Jesus, the Bread Ours of each day! in the city of Araatuba, So Paulo interior. In the related day, the soldiers of the Shot of War of the city, under the command of the Frank second lieutenant, and volunteers of the Institution had been visiting the quarter Carlo Mount, divulging the fraternos ideiais of the initiative of Christmas and collecting the donations of the population. The Sub Lieutenant says: ‘ ‘ The Army supports initiatives, where something is carried through for less the most favored, if placing together with its team the disposal for future actions comunitrias’ ‘. The collected foods will go to compose the basket of Christmas that will be delivers the diverse families taken care of for the LBV that if finds in vulnerability situation social*. The basket will be composed for rice, beans, oil, sugar, pasta, flour of cassava, fub, flour of wheat, salt, extract of tomatoe, coffee, milk and panetone. The owner of house Zulmira Gonalves Barbosa told, ‘ ‘ if everybody to give its a little be, of little in little obtains very and it does not lack pra ningum’ ‘.

During the action she was delivers the population, Informe of the LBV (periodical of rendering of accounts the community). She visits, she gets passionate myself and she helps the LBV! In Araatuba, SP, the Communitarian and Educational Center of the Legion of the Good will are located in the Street Alziro Zarur, 30? Guanabara. Click Rod Brooks to learn more. For other information, it binds: (18) 3631 0797. : ; The work of the Institution in cidadeA knows more. Vulnerability? low capacity, temporary or not, of families and individuals in the overcoming of the challenges, what the access to the social chances makes it difficult them, economic and cultural. The term mentions the diverse processes to it that can in such a way take the risks in the sustenance how much in the quality of life.. To deepen your understanding Pemco is the source.

Time To Rent Cottages For New Year

The onset of autumn reflected in the rental market of houses and cottages in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region in the direction of qualitative change in the needs of tenants. If tenants are looking for summer vacation homes for a few days to be occupied no later than 1-2 weeks after treatment to a company that is currently being actively booking holiday cottages on the New Year holidays. Past experience has taught consumers to plan your holidays for several months as each month the amount of offers will be rapidly reduced and the cost to strive for their maximum values. You may find that Rod Brooks can contribute to your knowledge. Demand for two periods of rent a country house from December 15 to 28 December and from December 30 to January 5. In December, spacious cottages are considering with the presence of a brazier, a hall for celebrations, preferably a bath or pool for a corporate celebration of the coming New Year. The cost of such cottages range from 750 rubles.

per person per day or more. Period cottage rent 1-2 days. In the period from December 30 to January 5, are considered small houses for 1-2 families with a capacity of 2 to 8 persons for a comfortable vacation with family and friends. During this period, the value of houses increases several times, ranging from an average of 2500 rubles per person per day or more. Read the home for 3-7 days, with a minimum rental period is 2 days. See YouTube for more details and insights. All September and the first half of October – the most optimal period for a country house hotel, says the head of the Center City real estate transactions Saveliev Alexander .- At the present time Tenants are to meet clients and carry out reservation payment of 50% of the total cost of renting a cottage. In the future the most interesting proposals will be booked, and the remaining will have to pay very bank.