Organizational management, financial management and service management roles assumed respectively (decision-making and influence) in late 2007, in Stage 6, implying the need for existence of integrated and coordinated at the BSU. a One method that ensured both the staff and functional groups and brigades in the UEB (with highly differentiated tasks), coordination (integration) properly the internal management of these processes was the formalization of them, from the automation of their activities, which involves organizational control over the worker in their duties, but to the extent that organizational structures were being transformed, the levels of formalization and standardization became more complex, due to the lack of functionality of the instructions, policies and procedures into business processes and purchasing, in fact the use of formalization as a means of integration was not the same in these processes than in other such as economic – financial, human resources, among others. the same logic of excessive growth, and expansion of market purchases as defined in Table 4.1 and 4.2, implies no order or standardize the integration of all procurement activities. The non-standardization as a means of integration did not ensure that all activities were made in the same manner at all times and in all territorial UEB for the non-use of key documents such as manuals, organization, and procedure manuals and other specifically in the Commercial and Purchasing Group Company, which Originoo the assimilation of other integration mechanisms were worked in some of these UEB Territorial outside the chain of command. a It is interesting to show that it is implemented since 2001 in a systematic way the implementation of information systems as a tool and method used to collect, process, analyze and present the information needed to achieve successful integration, but not integration explained in the previous paragraph, from the changes arising from the year 2004, in the structure of purchasing and business processes in the company, with the advent of business growth, I do not think the necessity and difficulty of obtaining the integration between different organizational levels or expertise in the Territorial UEB. a According to the previous situation investigated in the period of 2007 according to the company structure, we can say that three elements are considered structural. These elements are: techno-structure, Support Staff (staff support), command line and the operational base (UEB Territorial), where the structural element that stood out was the techno-structure, and the divisional structural configuration, the combination of these elements generated solutions to be defined in articles posterioresa of this research. Industrial Engineer, Master of Science in Production Management, specializing in managing the network of business value through innovation, standardization and continuous improvement of processes and products, analytical thinking, creative and critical, particularly in the activities planning, design, implementation, and investigation of possible business solutions to support the development of Microsoft applications, such as advanced user (Operating Systems, Desktop Packages, Email and Server), databases and corporate applications.
Ensuring business continuity platform technology companies where he has played.