In the present time, format FM makes the bridge between the audio communication and the website of the radio station, appealing to the visit, for the suggestion of contents and the request of messages saw post office electrnico. For this boarding, the consultation and analysis of the websites of stations and national chains of radio took to conclude us it that the website of a radio station will have to be expressed representation of a parallel structure that does not have to be confused with its traditional format. In the Internet, the radio is moved away from its original concept e, in the website, can present distinct services of the radiofnica emission, establishing a new structure, richer and varied that concurs directly with the traditional format of the radio. A necessity however becomes gift. This if relates to the exploration and appropriation of the advantages of the multimedia in the possible combinations between sound and image, offering the possibility to listen to audio material in archive. Beyond the fact to transmit information current, the webrdios make possible the return of the listener to the last information.
Another characteristic of the listener of the webrdio part of the principle that internautas visits the website to know some relative aspects to the proper station. With this a presentation of its programming is had also contends information on its speakers and journalists, as well as relative data to playlist, pastimes and some notice. Groups of radio in the Internet According to Lgia author Maria Wheat of Souza, exist what if it can define of three effective groups of radio in the Internet. These are divided and nomenclaturados of the following form: Offline radios, radios Online and Netrdios. Each one of these presents peculiar definitions and caracterisiticas. Asrdios Offline has as objective to only divulge seunome in the net. They are institucional radios in which a transmission of its programming does not exist.