Environmental Protection Office: B.a.u.m. E.V. Honors ForestFinance Awarded

Awarded excellent Bonn forest investment provider ForestFinance for environmental competition environment in the Office is an issue that businesses of all sizes should still heed, because paradoxically, even the paper consumption in the computer age has increased. With the competition Office & environment”the German working group for environmental management e.V. (B.A.U.M.) urged that German companies in the framework of a project funded by the Ministry of environment to fill in a questionnaire, which was then evaluated by a competent jury. The Bonn party of sustainable forest investments ForestFinance won it for his actively implemented environmental protection Office. The award honors us, because we attach importance to environmental protection as a socially and ecologically sustainable management company in every respect”, ForestFinance Managing Director Harry Assenmacher pleased.

Above all she is an incentive to get better for us.” Set an example ahead for more environmental protection Office: The Environmental protection in the Office is in the selection of material and device for ForestFinance of great importance. Here, Susan-Wojcicki expresses very clear opinions on the subject. So were purchased two expensive printers, which cause approximately 90 percent less waste. Both printers use not toner or liquid ink than color but a mixture of wax and resin. This is heated to only 90 degrees Celsius and sprayed the resulting liquid over the printhead nozzles onto the paper. Laser printers work, however, with higher temperatures, so technically due usually troublesome ozone is formed. Toner dust can cause problems in offices that do not have the new printer technology. Although these special printers in the acquisition much more expensive, but cheaper maintenance, and thus are a sustainable investment for more environmental protection Office. ForestFinance with around 30 employees refers to eco power also from the natural power AG and recommends this also.

An extensive waste separation and recycling, as well as use recycled or especially environmentally friendly products are also Business principle and contribute to environmental protection in the Office. From the calculation of the CO2 footprint for many companies by the ForestFinance climate protection subsidiary CO2OL is known that incurred the largest pollution almost always through the employees travel to the work site. Intensive Skype and Home Office use therefore greatly reduce employee trips. To perform unavoidable staff trips as environmentally friendly, ForestFinance encourages the use of usable also in leisure job tickets for public transport. Employees have to pay only a small price for a ticket that would cost otherwise well over 100 euros in the individual purchase. This has been achieved less than 15 percent of employees regularly take the car to the company an important aspect for the environment in the Office. Criteria for environmental competition Office & environment”: workplaces with respect to their environmental impacts generally apply as little problematic. But also in the Office, it is Impact on environment, for example, through energy and paper consumption. Inter alia the protection of the environment in the Office in the five subject areas were assessed Office Organization, Office equipment and materials, Office furniture, Office cleaning and disposal. More information about the competition Office & environment, see about ForestFinance: the Bonner ForestFinance Group specializes in forest investments, which combine a lucrative return on investment with environmental and social sustainability. Interested parties can choose between several sustainable forest investment products, through the afforestation see such as the BaumSparVertrag, a private tropical forest from 33 euro has monthly possible, ForestFinance forests, protected rain forests, CO2 for decades bound and newly created species-rich forests. The company currently manages sustainable for about 8,500 customers about 3,500 hectares of forest.

The Ten Commandments Of Life In Partnership

The ten commandments of the life partner is a document that lets you analyze the possibility to not enter into relationships, destructive, violent, full of suffering and pain. He takes you hand so that you can understand and understand why you are at the place in your life. Weight at relationships in recent years has led to build relations of dependency, abuse, humiliation and aggression. Not only proprietary for women, men also suffer from abuse and it is because they cannot put limits and establish a scale of values that is consistent with what to expect in their lives. To some extent, the culture is responsible for this situation, but we are all part of the culture, so all contribute to make this happen in such way that we require to be alerts which commandments of culture lead us to the growth, and what have been exhausted, and instead of contributing to our development limit it and destroy it. As a therapist I believe there are commandments essential of life as a couple, that allow us to live in one way free and responsible. Because of one thing I am sure, it is better to live next to a couple and live company than in solitude without a feeling of belonging and solidarity. The problem is not the couple themselves, but what we allow and we give against ours, yes you are interested in the full document of these commandments, enters our site and understand how you can improve your quality of emotional life not only in the couple, but for your own personal development. Thanks for reading me.

Canada Gold Trust Starts With Its Own

Financing of benefit rights. wholly owned gold hedging of deposit Konstanz, 03.12.2013. “The specialist for gold mining in Canada, the Canada Fund gold trust includes currently its value chain through the establishment of an own Goldveredlers”. This will be advised by the Aurora precious metals group (APM). APM is a Dubai-based distributor of gold, silver and other precious metals and has intensive trade relations with international suppliers, mines, large trading houses, refiners and consumers. Dubai, which is one of the most important trade places for gold in the world. According to a study by the Dubai multi commodity Centre for the Chamber of Commerce in Dubai 16 per cent of the global gold trade in Dubai were handled 2011 already. To do this, the company hung up on profit participation rights, that flows to one hundred percent of the subsidiary of the issuer, the Canada gold trust opportunities GmbH.

For the safety of investors the total amount is secured in turn fully with physical gold. More Security can currently offer no one”, says Peter Prasch as Managing Director of the group. It goes without saying that the gold stocks are kept charged appropriately. Together with APM to gold and other precious metals in future evaluate, purchase and trade and finance projects that are related to the refining of the gold. This includes also to implement raw gold to commercially available gold at Dubai’s existing refineries and in turn to sell this to the stated gold price fixing with corresponding service fee. From the operating business the profit participation rights at eight percent per year should be remunerated, participation is possible this from 5,000 euros a share premium of 3 percent. A first-time cancellation possibility already to the 31.12.2014.

Then the participation may be, terminated every year which represents an absolute innovation. Investors will enable thus, very flexible to react against the backdrop of a Niedrigszinsumfeldes. Participation in the Canada gold Trust opportunities GmbH is therefore extremely flexible, the investment rate can be classified as exemplary. The planned target volume is 12 million euros.