simply we can mention to these two great Starbucks companies and dell that bet To use Facebook and to twitter to promote itself and generated great gains. according to the magazine Entrepeneur Dell profit to only invoice 6,5 million dollars with twitter Today, it uses intelligent of the social networks has a fort impact in the form to make businesses. It is verified that to invest time, personnel and resources for the administration of these tools are income-producing for the companies that decide to add themselves to the digital era. But it is not enough with having a profile in line, is due to follow a plan strategic that it includes to commit themselves with the clients, to listen to them and to take care of its doubts, as well as to create, to share and to discuss to contents and ideas. It follows the example of these two international companies that bet by these platforms and generated substantial gains. leg to have in cuentLas social networks is the preferred activity of the internauts at present and the tendency is more and more strong. The great news is that so far already it exists technical and tool to generate massive traffic by means of twitter without looking for followers nor bothering a those that already you have. In another word it is possible to be said that to make money by means of this powerful social network with zero followers already it is a reality, and from the point of view of it saves time this podria to be a resource valuable to promote businesses and companies.
Twitter was the fashionable site from 2009. Only in Latin America it adds a universe integrated by more than 15 million twitteros. The social network Twitter takes land more and more, not only in the communication, but also in marketing. In spite of their high income, the great tax exemptions do not despise this means. Llama every day plus the attention, not only by its effectiveness, but by the simple thing of its structure: microblogging. In this social network, arisen in 2006, you can share with other users which beams in real time, always without excederte of 140 characters. The companies also have benefitted from this innovating form to communicate. And the tax exemptions could not remain outside this tendency. It knows the strategies four international companies that, in spite of having millionaires estimated for marketing research and publicity, already obtained great results with a gratuitous application. Subway (@subwayfreshbuzz), McDonalds (@McDonalds), McCafeYourDay (@McCafeYourDay), Dunkin Donuts (@DunkinDonuts I invite) to review them my blog to extend its information successes Lydian Or. Original author and source of the article.