Enjoying Los Angeles

CHAPTER 1.0 THE DAY THAT I HAD TO GET a He believed all my life, no doubt the creator will never abandon us no matter how stupid we become by our acts, but I can not help feeling confused, desperate and alone. I feel my body full of wounds, I see people dying at the same time cursing, my vision blurred environment kneeling I'm exhausted this is the last moment of my life not only in the mortal world but the way the world Eterio opposite me is the last of the Angels of Death a large penalties and sacrifices have defeated others of his race. "It just Guerrero, faith and hope for humans and for your class is over. You say the angel a winner in the whole plane. "Not yet, my brother, still is not over until it acabaa .

My words are interrupted by a cough that invades my body. -Conquered the beast is just that perish. "Where there is life there is death angel" In your twilight'd stop there and you know, you are not already part of this and other worlds. "In something I agree, my time has come, but finally it will balance as I told you I will not go just . My last breath I started burning from the center of my being, the attempt to join the movement is subject to countless signs of pain, but yet my gaze is fixed, I should do, only God Ho again as you please beg you who are all powerful.

San Valentin

In order to clear this incognito we have compiled the history of San Valentin. Jeffrey Hayzlett usually is spot on. We invited to you to you read that it and serves your own conclusions: The enamored ones are in our calendar to demonstrate or to reaffirm their love by means of gifts, dedications or poems but why the 14 of February? You want to know the legend San Valentin and where comes this celebration? Diverse theories exist that grant to this date the origin of the Day of the Enamored ones. In the Nordic countries it is during these dates when the birds catch up and match up, for that reason this period is seen like a creation and love symbol. Some think that it is a cristianizada celebration of the paganism, since in old Rome the adoration to the God of the love was realised, whose Greek name was Eros and to who the Romans called Cupid. In this celebration the favors of the God through gifts or offerings were requested to thus be able to find the ideal enamored one. Also, and many centuries ago, &quot was traditional in England; celebration of valentinus" , where they chose a men and to women so that they formed pair. Many of these pairs became husband and woman and secured the pair happiness that is hoped to find and to consolidate the Day of San Valentin.

Other sources center the origin of the history of San Valentin in the Rome of century III, time at which the Christianity was persecuted. In this period also the marriage between the soldiers was prohibited since it thought that the single woman men rendered more in the battlefield that the married men because emotionally they were not bound to his families. It is in these circumstances when the figure arises from San Valentin, a Christian priest who before such injustice decides to marry secretly to the pairs under the Christian ritual of the Roman eyes.

Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo

We just thought to ourselves. This is the cause why absolute thought think of us lots of things every time we observed and analyzed. Another cause is the movement by which all things are transformed. But note that the movement is vital for us men and for things, but nothing more essential in the entire universe that the consciousness since it generates thought when we can be aware of the reality of us as beings and the reality of things. Young people in awareness saved are areas of thinking and experiences of any knowledge. 20 2007 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo in the metaphysical area is different.

The sphere is motionless because it represented in your system, the be. And that if be moved, changed or mutaba, would lose its essence as be primitive. I.e. being that it is cause and origin of everything in the universe. For Parmenides the being was absolute and immutable. For this reason he rejects the doctrine of Heraclitus.

Llamandola opinion, since the doctrine of Heraclitus was purely materialistic. Because this trust of the senses. Descartes us I would say that the senses more often deceive. The doctrine of truth forms its basis in reason. Which you need the experience but is not limited to it in its entirety and if in part. The philosopher Manuel Garcia Morente explains some issues relating to Parmenides. It says: Parnenides of Elea introduces the biggest revolution that is known in the history of human thought. Parmenides of Elea carried out the feat more great Western, European, thinking has fulfilled from twenty-five centuries ago, so much that we continue to live today on the same Rails and runways were opened by Parmenides of Elea, philosophical and where this enpujo, with a huge boost. The human philosophical thought. 2007 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo 21 in one of the phrases of the metaphysical poem of Parmenides, you can find a great truth and to its ves can be analyzed one of the facets of Greek wisdom. Which says: 22 2007 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo original author and source of the article.