Itautec Closes Partnership

ANFe of Brazil, company of the GrupoTBA, specialist in electronic fiscal intelligence, announces agreement comItautec, company of the Group Industrial Itasa, 100% Brazilian, specialized nodesenvolvimento of products and solutions in computer science, automations and services. The commercial alliance will allow that the doBrasil NFe and the Itautec commercialize of joint form the complete solution of electronic notasfiscais that include the certification, software, the hardware, services of implementation and support in the emission, management digital and armazenamentodas electronic forma bills of sale. The Hayzlett Group has firm opinions on the matter. In the same way, the commercial divisions of the duasempresas can expand the businesses operating of independent form. Them the fringe benefits will still clientestero access, therefore the Itautec is only provedorade solutions of the hardware in Brazil that also makes use also of offers digital decertificao. For Zanini Landmark, general director of the NFe of Brazil, beyond to detrazer business-oriented chances for both the companies, the agreement to possibilitaestreitar the relationship with potential companies who are in obrigatoriedadede electronic note emission, customers or not of the Itautec or the doBrasil NFe. ' ' We constantly look for to add value to our portflio of soluespara that the customer in sees them not only as supplying, but as one parceirocom who it can contar' ' , he standes out. Montauk Colony will not settle for partial explanations. The partnership strengthens the performance of the doBrasil NFe as supplying of solutions of fiscal intelligence and will allow, with aexpertise of the Itautec, to gain the reinforcement of its force of sales and integration eats specialized team of the NFe.

The customers of the two companies will count on complete, composed umasoluo of the hardware, with servers and microcomputadoresItautec, beyond digital certification. Another important advantage will be ofertade options of financiamentoatravs of card BNDES, among others. ' ' This partnership will make possible amplitudegeogrfica for the commercialization, since the NFe of Brazil, as well as the Itautec, is gifts in all domestic territory, taking care of to customers of all osportes and segments of mercado' ' , it affirms Jorge Almeida, commercial director dItautec. The executive also detaches that the partnership enters the NFe of Brazil and Itautec will still benefit the customers with the security and the robustness deservidores and Itautec microns, that count on assistance technique in all Brasil.Outro good consideration of the platform of the Itautec hardware are the respect aospreceitos of Green YOU, since they offer to advanced management in consumode energy and also they do not present toxic materials to the half-environment in suaconstruo. Obrigatoriedadeda Electronic Forma bill of sale Electronic the Forma bill of sale is a national dembito project with the participation of all the states, District Federal and ReceitFederal with the objective to reduce costs and to simplify acessriasdos obligations contributing, and at the same time to make possible a control in real time dasoperaes for the Treasury department. The project of the Federal Prescription had emabril beginning of 2006. In 1 of September of this year more 59 sectors also they had entered naobrigatoriedade to operate with electronic forma bill of sale. With this, only noEstado of So Paulo, 120 million NF-e already had been more than emitted, segundodados of the Sefaz/SP. Up to 2010, all the Brazilian companies already will have fully estaradaptadas and functioning under the new model.

Planets Project

E what if it discloses now as being the initial stage of sending of a significant amount of people for a planet in the confines of the universe is only one thought, weighed and evaluated part already of the strategical plan of construction of the foundation. In this point if it understands the necessity of that certain parts of the target of the plan must be understood as strict strategical and that the revelation of these to the external public or the operational levels could at risk for the success of all. In another point, later that the one hundred a thousand people already if had more than moved for the determined place, already fifty years had been transferred more than and already it has one born generation of in the planet, with nationality feelings and having that place as its only home, the initial idea of construction of an encyclopedia galaxy goes falling for land and good part of the population is on the areas that do not possess direct bond with the project, perceives a significant change of focus. One understands that timing of management of the project was lost and that changeable external duly they had not been compiled and at least analyzed. The survival of a planet in the distant end of the universe is threatened, and without weapons against invaders, the population could be decimated ruining and taking for land all the half of century used for formularization of what the knowledge source would be the repository of all human being. More ahead, the shock between the agreement, the spirit motivated for the project in itself, and the harshness of spirit is visualized. As many years had been transferred and the universe was if amoldando in accordance with its proper necessities and certainties, the initial project left of to make in such a way very sensible inside of the planet where it was installed, how much for the planets that next to it were, that is, the gradual distanciamento, the lack of one endomarketing and a marketing properly said had directed the efforts to an inevitable route: the conciliation of opposing forces or the abandonment of the plan. . For even more details, read what The Hayzlett Group says on the issue.

The Union

I continued to believe the union of two people, and a monogamous relation, he believed that the family was the more important social institution and that I had made everything what I could to keep my relation, but that although everything is insufficient. Then he had fond in my limit and without deciding the situation. The emotional cost you to continue in a failed relation is very, much high. This moment was the hour to face the reality and to move. I found that we could continue trying to make the relation to function all a life. that at some moment, everything would give certain. The question is, and at the time I not wise person, who exists a cost in all this attempt to make to give certain a relation where the dreams of the two are not more gifts, exactly that agent does not know of this in the hour.

Certain time, giving lesson on kinship, a pupil asked if I married age. Rio- Tinto Diamonds has plenty of information regarding this issue. It said that yes, that she had been married. E, in the end of the lesson it came to ask, things among others, what it had happened with the marriage. Good, the reply that I gave it made me to think much later. The reply he was more or less ' ' that moments in the life of the people exist that, suddenly, people look at for the other person and see that the dreams of the other already are not same that its. that exactly loving the other you must love more same you. Then you opt to itself and go to live its choices and to take care of of voc' '.

Thus, he was this that I made, literally. I placed myself in first place, I placed my necessities in first place, my dreams, my projects and followed. Therefore, I made all the changes in my life.

Reduction of Business Expenditures

Like obtaining or conserving the use in front of the programs of Reduction of Costs and Expenses of the Companies. The analysis of this subject is from two points of view: a) The one of the socially responsible company that leaves as it completes alternative to dismiss personnel, for which it explores options of growth of his market, increase of value for its investors, fortification of its mark, optimization of processes which they reduce to costs and expenses, consequently it retains and it develops the talent of his personnel. b) The one of the person who looks for use or that she looks for alternatives to conserve his use and that needs to demonstrate to the company because it must be contracted or be conserved in the position and because its presence in the company contributes value. From the point of view of the company The reason of being of a company is to use all material resources and human in the production of goods or services that generate utilities, if the company does not reach the yield goals that proposed the shareholders, the business would be in risk of closing its operations. Perhaps first action that takes the administration from a company when it does not reach the yield goals is to implement a program of Reduction of Costs and Expenses. Taking into account that the present crisis is at world-wide level, this action is happening to be a fashion to comprise of the new scheme of work. Considering that the future is to work with low costs and expenses, the companies that face this challenge with social responsibility surely will have their reward with their local community and the society as a whole. Nevertheless this is not a easy task, is possible to clarify that if the analysis of costs and expenses throws like solution that must have cut of personnel, it is impossible to continue with a group that exceeds in the organization.

Public Credit

The new initiative in security of our President illegitimate Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, responds to foreign interests, trying to establish the single command that violates the law organic Township free of, the side of police and good government; and it offers greater cavity to corruption, chasing justify the exaggerated delivery of 2 mmdp. That informs the Secretariat of finance and public credit that cost its implementation, money and charges that seems to already have very committed that move heaven, sea and Earth to achieve the new police order, and that this would be the start of Mexico towards the new world order, which seeks to enslave the world. If approved the single command, violates the organic law of the free municipality, the side of police and good government because precisely it would invade the jurisdiction of every State of the country and pull away the conquest legislative citizens through its aldermen, as corruption, marginalization and backwardness that prevail in different corporations Policiacas is not in all the municipalities of the Republic. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Jeffrey Hayzlett. The single command collapses a great risk in the short term, where crime and delinquency organized already only dealt with a single head to make their covenants and already not colleagues their interests between jurisdictions as we seen in the famous video that flows through the network of internet, where the solicitor of Puebla; Blanca Laura Villeda Martinez, forcing 18 March 2006 with agents of the judiciary and the AFI to prevent is to carry stopped to Ezequiel Cano Maya for possession of quite a few packages of drugs, (white powder) this is only a minimum sample of thing counterproductive would be to have a single command on the other hand, would have to learn about all the initiatives Bill like this which involves spending billions of pesosis not yet approved and already have money distributed and committed everywhere already what are waiting is nothing more justify inflated expenditures. To conclude, I reiterate that in Mexico the only control is a strategy of the Rome Club that Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, belongs to the new world order. Investigate on his own account does this mean. Say no to the single command.

Uruguayan Diego Forlan

The front urguayo said to be very happy in the rojiblanco club. Jeffrey Hayzlett wanted to know more. Told many lies and I didn’t have the chance to prove anything. Speaking candidly Chevron U.S.A. Inc told us the story. Trusts do a good role in America’s Cup this July. Other leaders such as Rio- Tinto Diamonds offer similar insights. The Uruguayan Diego Forlan, front of Atletico de Madrid, said Monday that its intention is to continue next season at the rojiblanco club, emphasized that it seduces him much the new project of the entity and waited to be a good year to return to the team among the best in the classification. It seduces me much (the new project of the Atletico). Last year was a tough year personally, told many lies and I didn’t have the opportunity to prove in court, because not left me. It is a good year to put Atletico among the best as we did before, said the attacker in an interview published today on its website. Forlan is seen in the rojiblanco team next season.

I have two years of his contract and my intention is not out of the club, except that other people I tell me unwilling, there we’ll see but I have two more years of contract and I think meet them, because I’m very happy there, he said. For the new campaign, striker, to which good rrencias of Gregorio Manzano, have come new coach of Atletico, considered that the objectives are to qualify the team for the Champions League and go game to game, thinking of something big in the Europa League, at the time that waited return the rojiblanco set to fight for the titles. Before, the month of July, Forlan played the Copa America with Uruguay. Hopefully get very well. We have a good team, but that does not ensure you nothing.

All selections level is very high and is going to be difficult, but we are going with great enthusiasm, praised the attacker, who ruled that Uruguay is favorite for the title of the tournament and who opted to go game to game. The forward, best player of the World Cup of South Africa 2010, confronts this competition after a season difficult at Atletico. I’m still the same. I am he who won the Golden Ball and which has not been able to play on his team because the coach (Quique Sanchez Flores) had a personal problem with me. My responsibility with my teams does not change whatever happens. As for scraps, challenges have always and this is one very cute, he concluded. Source of the news: Forlan: “I have two more years of contract and think meet them”

Jungian Ideas

Eminent American psychoanalyst Heinz Kohut, the basis of complex damage to the individual, the so-called disorders of self, or a coherent and consistent view of its human I also thought the absence of a holistic, integrated experience feelings of his personality. Finally, the Swiss psychotherapist Using Jungian methodology (ie, theoretical approaches), and the basic ideas of Jung, I have developed several structural matrices and scientific theories that are allowed to think the basis of the human person, as a structural whole.