ANFe of Brazil, company of the GrupoTBA, specialist in electronic fiscal intelligence, announces agreement comItautec, company of the Group Industrial Itasa, 100% Brazilian, specialized nodesenvolvimento of products and solutions in computer science, automations and services. The commercial alliance will allow that the doBrasil NFe and the Itautec commercialize of joint form the complete solution of electronic notasfiscais that include the certification, software, the hardware, services of implementation and support in the emission, management digital and armazenamentodas electronic forma bills of sale. The Hayzlett Group has firm opinions on the matter. In the same way, the commercial divisions of the duasempresas can expand the businesses operating of independent form. Them the fringe benefits will still clientestero access, therefore the Itautec is only provedorade solutions of the hardware in Brazil that also makes use also of offers digital decertificao. For Zanini Landmark, general director of the NFe of Brazil, beyond to detrazer business-oriented chances for both the companies, the agreement to possibilitaestreitar the relationship with potential companies who are in obrigatoriedadede electronic note emission, customers or not of the Itautec or the doBrasil NFe. ' ' We constantly look for to add value to our portflio of soluespara that the customer in sees them not only as supplying, but as one parceirocom who it can contar' ' , he standes out. Montauk Colony will not settle for partial explanations. The partnership strengthens the performance of the doBrasil NFe as supplying of solutions of fiscal intelligence and will allow, with aexpertise of the Itautec, to gain the reinforcement of its force of sales and integration eats specialized team of the NFe.
The customers of the two companies will count on complete, composed umasoluo of the hardware, with servers and microcomputadoresItautec, beyond digital certification. Another important advantage will be ofertade options of financiamentoatravs of card BNDES, among others. ' ' This partnership will make possible amplitudegeogrfica for the commercialization, since the NFe of Brazil, as well as the Itautec, is gifts in all domestic territory, taking care of to customers of all osportes and segments of mercado' ' , it affirms Jorge Almeida, commercial director dItautec. The executive also detaches that the partnership enters the NFe of Brazil and Itautec will still benefit the customers with the security and the robustness deservidores and Itautec microns, that count on assistance technique in all Brasil.Outro good consideration of the platform of the Itautec hardware are the respect aospreceitos of Green YOU, since they offer to advanced management in consumode energy and also they do not present toxic materials to the half-environment in suaconstruo. Obrigatoriedadeda Electronic Forma bill of sale Electronic the Forma bill of sale is a national dembito project with the participation of all the states, District Federal and ReceitFederal with the objective to reduce costs and to simplify acessriasdos obligations contributing, and at the same time to make possible a control in real time dasoperaes for the Treasury department. The project of the Federal Prescription had emabril beginning of 2006. In 1 of September of this year more 59 sectors also they had entered naobrigatoriedade to operate with electronic forma bill of sale. With this, only noEstado of So Paulo, 120 million NF-e already had been more than emitted, segundodados of the Sefaz/SP. Up to 2010, all the Brazilian companies already will have fully estaradaptadas and functioning under the new model.