To enter the labor market is ready, you need to know about all his "shadow" events. Intermediary business in the labor market, which is conducted by various agencies, is widespread today in major cities. Work such agencies under construction a little differently than the activities of civil service employment. This is because, for example, employment agencies exist on their own funds, derived usually from those those seeking work, ie they are commercial entities whose main task the provision of paid employment services. But the professionally run recruitment agencies recruiting never take money with applicants. Contact with agencies which undertake to arrange a person to work for pay is not worth it. Place, you will still no guarantees. So, to protect themselves from unscrupulous recruitment agency paid Follow these guidelines: Make sure the reality of the proposed job.
This can be done only by circumstantial evidence, which results in low efficiency of this method of verification. The main sign in neryavleny For a long time. Just look at the name of the company employer. Analyze the structure of the levy. If the bulk of payments to the agency will charge for entering information about you to the database providing a database of job openings, most of all, it has not been particularly active in promoting your candidacy will be in the labor market. Look for the agency, where such payments are minimal, and the calculation is done on a percentage of the first salary of the applicant. Find out if the agency is studying information about the Applicant and his wishes, before concluding a contract with him.