
The puppets are exchanged and the Gezappel in the political cabaret continues unabated. What is gathered at viewpoints and opinions on the social situation in the European Union on, is neither left, liberal yet right. It is devoted to the economy, without to was elites or the people close to pretend. If we solve our financial problems, we get everything else gradually in the handle. It depends of the strategy alone.

The recommendations of the Wolfgang Mewes, who has formulated the EKS Engpasskonzentrierte behavior and strategy are indicative. And at some point someone will pick up the idea. Writes Bill Bonner 1 on February 15, 2010: “higher savings rates lead to lower prices normally for a while. The currencies rise. Even in the Weimar Republic in Germany, there was a phase in which the mark has risen in 1920. Falling prices should prove that the money is still there.

But the real money is gone. And then, the people suddenly realize that their savings are really just paper. The tides change. The trust disappears. The great wave of accumulated savings applies on the market like a tsunami. Desperate people are trying to get rid of the money. They want something solid to which they can cling. Long-term bonds, which are the most exposed to inflation, will be exchanged for cash. Cash and Government securities will flood the market. The prices shoot into the sky. The middle-class savers go under. Weak borrowers that were facilitated in the flood to their load, inherit the world. Ditto for the borrowers of the Government. And for cracked speculators. And central bankers return to their desks and get on a new plan.” Portrait of the future party recognizes who identified himself with national ideas and the principles of business administration and economics, is where NationalPartei find a political home. Strategic Goals are a Constitution and a low Government rate for a State that is dedicated to its statutory tasks. The economic interests of more than 50 percent are represented by the economic focus on the people with average and below-average income and wealth. This constitutes an absolute majority in local elections and regional elections, the election and European elections, which can be accessed by any established party, because only special interests are represented by small groups. It is useless to reform symptoms and to be causes. The economic well-being of the German people increases the wealth of those who currently benefit financially through subsidies and tax benefits. Currently, most of the money disappears in state bureaucracies of redistribution.

Kitchen Aspect Essential

The kitchen cabinets are an essential aspect of the House. It is not only a focal point of design, but also of organization and a great means of storage. Not only kitchen cabinets have to be beautiful, but they must also serve a purpose and sometimes they should not consider it as a luxury, but rather as a necessity. Kitchen cabinets is something in your kitchen that gives you a function and storage space. Read additional details here: White Bay Group Uriel Cohen. These can be made to suit your personal taste and style. About your needs and personal taste made kitchen cabinets reflect your vision for your home because you have created for this purpose, but also leave you thinking if it would be worth spend all your savings. Remodeling your kitchen should be an exciting experience conditions of the cabinets in kitchen before starting the renewal before your renewal you may have noticed account that any of your kitchen cabinetry remains open or not shut properly. It is possible that you’ve seen some of your kitchen furniture begins to protrude from its the floor of the kitchen, this problem space may be irritating to say the least, but most importantly, kitchen cabinets that are not working properly also can become a danger for you and your family. While the kitchen is a place in time for the family and the union, is also a place of preparing and cooking, and which develop in it will be so successful and exquisite as your kitchen lets you be. You need to make sure that your kitchen cabinets are in perfect state to maintain a safe and fun home. Original author and source of the article.

The Right To Be Happy

Your you can have defects, to be irritated, but never you forget that your life is for you. Your project is but important and your you only can obtain that it is a success and not a failure. It remembers that to be happy it is to have a cycle without storm neither ways, without accidents, nor work without fatigue nor relations without deceptions. Susan-Wojcicki insists that this is the case. To be happy is to find forces to pardon, to have hope in the battles, security in the fear, love in the mix-ups. To be happy is not only to be pleased in the smile of an amiable face also is to savor the sadness of the rejection, but not only it is to celebrate the intoxicating success also is to learn the lesson of the bitter failure, is not only to engreir itself in the joy of the applause also is to enjoy La Paz satisfied with the anonymity. To be happy is to recognize that it is worth the pain to live the life in spite of the challenges, of the lacks of understanding and the moments of crisis. It is not a gift of the good luck, it is the profit of that knows to enter itself in its own one to be Original author and source of the article

Kiel Tel

As a small thank you for their support, the participants receive a summary of the results following the completion of the study on request. Also donating PPI AG for each completed questionnaire 5 euro to the children’s charity plan. Plan sustainable and child-oriented self-help projects, mainly through sponsorships, but also through individual donations and public funds has financed as one of the oldest children’s charities in 48 countries. About the AG of PPI, PPI Aktiengesellschaft is worked for 25 years at the sites of Hamburg, Kiel, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf and Paris successfully for the financial industry. 2009 the company generated with its 320 employees 38.5 million euros turnover in the three fields of business consulting, software factory and electronic banking products. In the E-banking, it focuses on secure and cost-effective standard products for communication between corporate clients and private customers and their bank. In software development, PPI ensures a high quality of results and budget accuracy through professional and reliable approach. The consulting services extends from the strategic to the banking and to IT consulting.

More information: about ibi research: since 1993, which forms a bridge between University and practice ibi research at the University of Regensburg GmbH. The Institute conducts research and advises on issues around the topic of “financial services in the information society”. ibi research works on the fields of E-business, IT governance, Internet sales and business process management. At the same time, ibi research offers comprehensive consulting services for the implementation of research and project results. Since January 2009, ibi research support of the E-Commerce competence centre is Eastern Bavaria in the framework of the network of e-commerce (NEG) funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology (BMWi). “” More information: about the series of studies of electronic banking “: objectives of the series of studies of electronic banking” is the creation of comprehensive, scientifically-based market studies on trends and future requirements in the electronic banking in Germany.

The aim of market studies is the Decision makers at banks, to support the savings banks and data centers, so that they can initiate the necessary evolutions of their electronic banking systems proactively through the early identification and statistical validation of new requirements and relevant trends. Regular expert and customer surveys are carried out to identify the trends and future customer requirements. More information: ebanking about plan international Germany Plan International is as one of the oldest children charities regardless of religion and politics in 48 countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America work and represented by national organizations in 18 countries. In the development cooperation plan funded sustainable and children-oriented self-help projects, mainly through sponsorships, as well as through individual donations and public funds. About 95 percent of the world’s total 7,000 plan employees, local forces are in the communes of more 60,000 volunteers, be supported. The German organization founded in 1989 as plan international Germany oversees nearly 300,000 children sponsorship and reached over two million people in the program areas. Further information: the most important information about the survey at a glance: title: companies direct banks use? Target group: All companies in Germany survey period: 29 July to 25 August 2010 URL: direct banks further information, articles etc contact if you are interested please: Dr. Thomas Krabichler ibi research at the University of Regensburg Galgenberg Bergstrasse 25 93053 Regensburg Tel.

Center City

However, through the msticos and/or miraculous events, such myth suffers small modifications from generation in generation in the measure where they go being recounted, but its essence permanece.3.2 LocalizaoSo Jose de Ribamar is the fifth more populous city of the Brazilian State of the Maranho and is the headquarters of one of the four cities that integrate the Island of So Lus. It is placed in the extreme east of the island, of front for the Bay of They are Jose, and dista about 32 kilometers of the maranhense capital. Beyond what, the fifth city more important of the Maranho.Vale is considered to still point out, that in this, meets one of the Main sanctuaries most excellent of the attractive north-nordeste.3.3 tursticosOs attractive tourist of city is perceived in such a way in the natural scope how much in the cultural one, through a humble and hospitable people who survives of the precious artesanato and the local commerce, with emphasis in the commerce fishing boat that is used in the excellent culinria of fruits of the sea. The Beach of Bath is the one that possesss greater access the ribamarense population, had its central localization in the health-resort and for providing a constant programming to the tourist. Other beaches that if detach are: Panaquatira, Cara, Green Tip, Itapari, Juatuba and Boa trip.

One becomes opportune to emphasize, that They are Jose de Ribamar is provided with natural beauties and beaches still repletas of virgin ecosystems. Tourist ones in the city also exist other attractive, but these directed toward the aspects cultural and religious, after all, both have expressividade in the same one sufficiently, being they: the monument Is Jose de Ribamar, the Church of Is Jose de Ribamar, the Grotto of Ours Mrs. Read additional details here: Susan-Wojcicki. of Lourdes, the House of the Miracles, the Museum of the Former-votes, the artesanato store, Center of Culture and Tourism, amongst others.