Empire State Building

In Europe, we can find different customs. Unmarried women of Britain and Italy, the night of Valentine rise eager before dawn and placed against the window waiting for a man to go. This is because you have the first man who displayed them or they see, will marry them during that year. Them, with the hope of this happening, year after year, each February 14 flock to their Windows in case it is not a legend. English children, for their part, have habit of singing special songs of love for the occasion, to exchange gifts, candy, fruit or money they receive.

Also in some areas of England, it is very typical of this day that people bake special muffins made from caraway seed, prunes or raisins. In Italy they held a Valentine’s day banquet as if it were a big party. Another representative of this day element are the flowers, and it is in Denmark, where people have customarily send pressed white flowers during Valentine’s day called snow drops their people most dear, either couple or friends. For its part, Danish men were not going to be left behind, and on 14 February sent letters called gaekkebrev (funny letter), and sender write a rhyme but do not sign your name but with points, one for each letter of his name. If the woman who receives it guess who sent, him the reward with an Easter egg at that party.

In United States and Canada, the known Valentines are famous, he is greeting cards that children develop this 14th day of February and exchanged with friends. Festivals in which children are placed all the Valentines in a box previously decorated for the occasion and at the end of the day occur in some schools, distributed each to its respective recipient. Their best cards reserve them for giving them to their relatives and teachers. Older students, take advantage of the occasion to hold dances and celebrations of Valentine. Many people sent flowers, candy, or other gifts to their lovers. But in general, this is what currently makes around the world, including Dominican Republic. Other curious customs are, for example, those that are made in some parts of the world: in Korea, women offer chocolate to men; in New York City only seven couples are chosen to marry on Valentine’s day in the viewpoint of the floor of the Empire State Building 80, becoming part of bridal Club of the famous building and having free admission the day of their anniversary, and in Japan, thousands of lovers approaching Mount Fuji, just at the point of lovers located in Iuzto touch the love campaign three times while they pronounce the name of his beloved to convert his affair into true love. Ultimately, every country has adapted this traditional festival to their own customs, so that today there are so many variants of the celebration of Valentine’s day, as countries that celebrate it.

Chinese Fargei

Natural treatment system h miracle hemorrhoids the main source of toxins causing and/or aggravating circumstances of hemorrhoids in our population, is the delayed or incomplete bowel evacuation, mainly due to deficiency or total lack of fiber in our diet. We should eat to live, not live to eat. We live intoxicating us and we die poisoned, the population of this each day pending the mealtimes and disregards their bowel elimination, except that it rushed the body; However for maintaining health is more important to vacate the intestine that eating foods, why you be human can live many days without eating and can not be 24 hours without evacuating his intestine that poisons; Although nothing eats, every day must evacuate one litre of bile. Bodies that do not remove their impurities were fatally poisoned. After 50 years in humans, health is the detoxification product, still life nerve activity and depending on power of the purity of the blood, we understand the importance that has to purify the vital fluid with active deletions each day.

I insist on this topic that every day there are many more people suffer from constipation and hemorrhoids and jokingly say to go to the bathroom every three four or more days. There are three actual causes of death in the man alone: accidents, old age, and poisoning. All diseases including hemorrhoids odious emerge from this last factor. The natural remedy to cure hemorrhoids in 48 hours, is the h miracle system which aims to help to all those who suffer from hemorrhoids worldwide El H Miracle contains the following: the secret remedy Chinese Fargei that they don’t want you to know up to Chinese herbalists do not know. The exact diet of 4 items that I used to delete my hemorrhoids in 4 days. The truth about why most creams and suppositories do not work for many people 5 excerpts from root than when they are combined relieve inflammation and improve venous flow by 300%. Lasting results fast! How to reduce hemorrhoids even if they are the size of a golf ball. Exercise of 60 seconds, tested by time, which puts an end to constipation forever.

The ingredient of a smell that makes the difference between a digestive system that feels good and one that feels excellent. Natural stool method that ensures you will never feel unnecessary pressure there below. 5 fruits and vegetables that ensures that you never again have hemorrhoids. Change the debilitating effects of stress that may aggravate hemorrhoids at this moment. How to stop bleeding and never have constipation solution to the root of the problem.

Nexus Between Jung

The psychologist and psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung considered the archetype concept to understand universal recurring myths. The usa arcana Tarot to discover recurrent individuals or environments. The Archetypes are behavioural styles; or, in other words, General versions of temperament and character found in all civilizations. These archetypal examples are recognized instananeamente. The 22 letters that correspond to the major arcana are also immediately recognizable. If you just get into the theme, in you will find something more about the major arcana and its meaning. Carl Jung meant that, apart from the will, there are other forces that people submit.

He also spoke of transformational archetypes; that would be situations and media – on occasions, also, sites – causing a transformation. The Tarot major arcana used similar archetypes. According to Jung, when archetypes emerge, have a numinous character that could only be described as spiritual “.” The numinous aspect (numen, presence) is, according to him, no visible presence that causes a particular modification of consciousness. The Tarot cards always make any presence in the environment of who consultation patent. In the same way that in transformation, the obstacles symbolized in the Tarot Archetypes are often, also, challenges (the judgment), ways (Los Enamorados), media (La force), other individuals (the Pope), places (El Mundo, La Torre) and, sometimes, objects (La Luna). Jung auna all the feminine with the Moon (letter XVIII) and manly with the Sun (number XVIIII in Tarot). According to the psychologist, in the light of the Moon not much separates as encandilador brightness of the Sun; but it amalgamates the details and gasket distant with you is here near; as a result, many times small details become sensitive issues in women’s exchanges. In addition to the major arcana, the minor arcana of the Tarot also maintained a link Strait with the psychology and Psychiatry.

If the older of the Tarot warn of drastic changes that a person goes through in his life, minors are closely related to situations. In Tarot, the disagreements and losses are expectable situations symbolized by the four suits of cards: swords, bastos, pentaculos and drinks. Cups correspond to emotions; pentaculos, with the material; the swords symbolise the intellectual aspect. Bastos configured power, about all interior and intuition. Emotions, sensations, intellect and intuition are topics of study of the Psychiatry and psychology, as they are functions of the mind. Original author and source of the article.

Materialize Objectives

One of the most difficult tasks that are is to stay focused on a single idea and why? Because there are so many activities in which we can remove the attention that becomes a real challenge the fact to keep us well directed, for most people this does not have too much impact, but not that well when they are in many activities the consolidation of ideas becomes difficult or simply takes more time than we normally predicted. Mental control involves combating the dispersion, it is quite easy to fall into a large number of impulses that are not related to what we want, then if we’re not careful this us going away little by little of what we want. For an athlete to become Olympic champion you must train constantly, your attention is fully addressed in their discipline, that is the only way to achieve exceptional results. In the book the secret of the power of the goals of Andrew Corentt it explains very accurately the strategies that we have to make to order to maintain the focus and thus achieve internalize our ideas of change in a very short time, by reading this book you will discover great concepts for the proper functioning of a goal, can materialize their dreams because he meets the requirements to make running any idea. When the focus is lost then being in a circle that produces few results, or perhaps none, so it is very important that you find out what it is you really want for your life, in the book the secret of the power of goals sets a comprehensive methodology so that people can prioritize and discover what they want with a fabulous precisionthat will allow them to act in a super concentration which will ensure them huge success. It is time to eliminate chance in our lives, i.e.

Act on the basis of what is occurring and let that conditions we imposed, people of success have done exactly the opposite, they have created the circumstances to their wishes to work, you must do the same, otherwise it will be exposed to not experience freedom. Freedom is to live according to what you enjoy, eliminate all kinds of idealized influences that are against our own convictions and beliefs, this implies having enough strength to undertake a journey that we are confident that it will give us great triumphs. Remember that everytime you’re working concentrated then sends a powerful message to your mind of your desire, there can be no confusion, but when work on too many things especially simultaneously then this affects the results that are expected. You could always do different activities and when they are linked to a single goal, also when an idea is established it is valid to start with a new project, greatness is a personal decision, do not allow negative influences affect what you both crave deep in his heart.

Wolfgan Kayser

Proposal for literary analysis: plot, central topic, subtopics, space and time. 1 Argument the argument has traditionally been called fable; the Greeks called it myth. The argument is the brief reproduction of the content of the work. The summary of the content exclusively attends the course of events extracts only, in the form of story, what is important for the structure of the action (Kayser, 1970, 98). To obtain a good argument, the development of the action with the greatest possible simplicity must be reduced. When drafting the argument, we should summarize the action or central plot, taking into account only the protagonist and the most important secondary characters.

You must not enter secondary actions, details, descriptions, dialogs, reflections. Good arguments do not even mention names of characters, but they use generic names: a man, a girl, the lawyer, a Prince, his friend, the mother. The argument should be drafted in a very brief paragraph, 5 to 15 lines. What happens more when trying to write an argument is that we obtain summaries or narrations of one or more veneers. These summaries or extensive narratives, we can extract the true argument.

Read the example of a fable or argument (for the work the star of Seville, Lope de Vega) Wolfgan Kayser presents: A King is passionate for a girl, but is humiliated by the brother of this. A noble King gives his word to avenge him, but known then that the offender is his close friend and future brother-in-law, since the girl was his own girlfriend. Despite everything he complies with his word and kills his friend. The King has to fulfil theirs, which had promised him impunity. The two lovers renounce his love (Ibid., 98-99). 2 Central theme the central or main theme is the essential idea that is removed or is inferred from reading. The topic is not always a synthesis of the argument; It is the fundamental element or idea which prevails through all the work.

Typhoon Without

No and in my own mural publicness: haven’t been Incontables times have spared the tenderness that claim without words at the same time. I’ve disguised me goodness, pretending that some so accept me. I’ve sacrificed so many present as pores on my skin, thinking of the past which I lost in pain that no longer exists more than in the mirage of my memories. The dam of my memories that clouds my heart. I have not been, or have ceased to be good companion. One day, lejanisimo ya, I got lost in my own deep tidal force.

Moonless night came, she swallowed me swirl ice cream from my mistakes (I will not say sins, but thought it). The illuminated surface of the calm waters where sailing was not over when I emerged. Waterfalls in sunsets covered with clouds of storms, cliffs and crags. The sea became a turbulent River and my boat a boat without oars. He began to leave blood in my mouth by the insecurity of my words. Crying became routine.

A pit nostalgia. A custom repentance, and the future an already It will pass. Since then the feeling that not reap more in pink land is already enquilosada. So foolish claiming impossible futures and smothering love. Stepping on flowers. Defending me from which defends. Killing me of fear by having forgotten the feeling of true freedom. Forces nothing so foolish, wanting to make sure I love without expiration date. So blind, demanding guarantees long-term where do not exist. So unable to, claiming fruit without sowing so silly seeds, watering boil bad of my own insecurity. Dragging as Typhoon that took me by the hand. Being centrifugal force and which calls for stability at the same time. No I haven’t been a good companion, I have not been the person recommended, that model that I recognized and bloats me happy pride years ago. I’ve not known love, I feel like the little girl who delivered flowers as a detail and does not measure the force with which tightens the stems and delivers them ready to die and then gets to mourn. That’s me, that the boat without oars becomes a fast course to apprehend the forgotten. That by not being able to turn on the light destroys the room trying to clean it. Original author and source of the article.


To perform what one intends in life it is essential to have great confidence in himself. Ralph Waldo Emerson, great American philosopher, said: confidence in yourself is the first secret of success. In a general way, we can say that people are what they want to be and that we have control over our own lives, and that the results will depend on what we do or stop doing. Let us remember that we are what we think we are. Everything, absolutely everything, is first generated in our mind. No one can be or become something that has not thought. If a person has thoughts of grandeur and optimism, that person will be large and optimistic.

If you have mediocre and pessimistic thoughts will be mediocre and pessimistic. Our thoughts and our mental attitude are those that determine our destiny. For this reason, it is of great importance always projecting a large image of himself. When you get self-confidence can be to unsuspected heights compelled by that enormous force generated by self-reliance. You can if you think that you can. Nathaniel Branden, PH.D., psychologist and psychotherapist, in his book The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem (the six pillars of self-esteem), defines self-esteem as: trust in our ability to think, confidence in our ability to cope with the basic challenges of life; and confidence in our right to succeed and be happy, feel that we have courage, we deserve to meet our needs and desires, achieve our values and enjoy our efforts. Faith, the self-confidence and self-esteem are obtained through positive thoughts. People who have positive thoughts are optimistic and face the problems of life with hope and a positive attitude to solve problems.

Nathaniel Branden expresses the image that the person has of itself, either high or low, tends to be a generator of a prophecy that is met by itself. With confidence in himself the person is aware of his own abilities and is capable of achieving what is proposed. An extraordinary example is that we see in the photo. It is the Norwegian Eskil Ronningsbakken, the most notable tightrope Walker in the world, with his pupil Moses Wepukhuli of Kenya. Both show us a great confidence in the domain of their bodies and do what they want. Of course, you and I, possibly not do something similar never but if we are aware that confidence is vital in life we can succeed and achieve happiness. Self-confident same is accept responsibility for your own actions, you have a balanced attitude, it is flexible to the actions of other people, change is accepted as something normal in life, acts without taking into account the views of third parties. The self-confidence is something that is acquired and that becomes a habit. Confidence in itself same can achieve what other people may think that it is impossible to perform. With self-confidence you will be able to take advantage of the opportunities that life presents us. Confidence in yourself is essential to success and happiness. Original author and source of the article.