
The puppets are exchanged and the Gezappel in the political cabaret continues unabated. What is gathered at viewpoints and opinions on the social situation in the European Union on, is neither left, liberal yet right. It is devoted to the economy, without to was elites or the people close to pretend. If we solve our financial problems, we get everything else gradually in the handle. It depends of the strategy alone.

The recommendations of the Wolfgang Mewes, who has formulated the EKS Engpasskonzentrierte behavior and strategy are indicative. And at some point someone will pick up the idea. Writes Bill Bonner 1 on February 15, 2010: “higher savings rates lead to lower prices normally for a while. The currencies rise. Even in the Weimar Republic in Germany, there was a phase in which the mark has risen in 1920. Falling prices should prove that the money is still there.

But the real money is gone. And then, the people suddenly realize that their savings are really just paper. The tides change. The trust disappears. The great wave of accumulated savings applies on the market like a tsunami. Desperate people are trying to get rid of the money. They want something solid to which they can cling. Long-term bonds, which are the most exposed to inflation, will be exchanged for cash. Cash and Government securities will flood the market. The prices shoot into the sky. The middle-class savers go under. Weak borrowers that were facilitated in the flood to their load, inherit the world. Ditto for the borrowers of the Government. And for cracked speculators. And central bankers return to their desks and get on a new plan.” Portrait of the future party recognizes who identified himself with national ideas and the principles of business administration and economics, is where NationalPartei find a political home. Strategic Goals are a Constitution and a low Government rate for a State that is dedicated to its statutory tasks. The economic interests of more than 50 percent are represented by the economic focus on the people with average and below-average income and wealth. This constitutes an absolute majority in local elections and regional elections, the election and European elections, which can be accessed by any established party, because only special interests are represented by small groups. It is useless to reform symptoms and to be causes. The economic well-being of the German people increases the wealth of those who currently benefit financially through subsidies and tax benefits. Currently, most of the money disappears in state bureaucracies of redistribution.