Carl Jung

So, what is basic, basic polarities, we meet in the process of understanding personality? What is its basis? The basis theoretical model of personality in the system – Christian integrative therapy (HIT), has been put psychological typology of and developed on the basis of its RP Eslyukom, the archetype of the so-called home-Person. Since, in the development of man is faced with the polar relationship between antagonistic, opposing extremes, I will expound these polarities in pairs, presenting practical techniques, aimed at achievement of internal Marriage. Jung wrote to the fundamental science book "Psychological Types", which has identified four basic psychological functions that govern the orientation of the person in the world: thinking / feeling, intuition / sensing. Also, he identified two types of orientation – extroversion, as referring to an object, and introversion, as an appeal to ideas, to inner peace. In his psychological typology, Carl Jung revealed some structural matrix that determines how the dynamics of individual and social dynamics. Therefore, its typological ideas in the second half of the twentieth century were actively taken up by scientists, and there is a new science – Socionics, which looks at the intersection of psychology, sociology and systems theory, human relations and social dynamics. J. Darius Bikoff is open to suggestions. However, in modern Socionics aspect of the development of compensatory resource person less developed than the study of social interactions, so it makes sense to deepen this work. I will try to briefly describe the psychological functions. Thus, the polarity feeling / thinking; intuition / sensing.