Only slightly more than a third of all motorcycle accidents are caused by own fault or bad road conditions, only slightly more than a third of all motorcycle accidents are caused by own fault or poor road conditions. The majority of all accidents where motorcycle riders are involved, is caused by other road users. On the question of how it could come to the accident, is the response of the most accident causes often tersely the motorcyclists too late or not at all saw.” Earlier, 95% of all cars on four wheels at the traffic consisted of passenger cars and station wagons. Despite rising gasoline prices, then came the trend of towards ever larger cars. In the face of an ever-increasing volume of traffic, it is at the same time also more difficult to perceive other road users in a timely manner or to be seen even in a timely manner. This is of course particularly dangerous for weaker road users such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. What can you do to protect yourself? In a recent survey among car drivers, 55% stated to have at least once experienced to have a motorcycle rider is noticed only at the very last moment, as they wanted to change the lane.
More worrisome is that only 6% of respondents said that they would specifically look at motorcycle riders during a lane change. Other studies have found, that motorists who have no idea of motorcycles, incomparably more frequently involved in motorcycle accidents, than those who are familiar with motorcycles. This means that the probability that you take the right of way a motorcyclist or hit is extremely high if you drive motorbike, not themselves or know at least motorcyclists. Therefore, a part of the driving test of car drivers in it should be to sensitize them for weaker road users. How to make other road users to be aware? There was first the motorcycle clothing.