Motorcycle Accidents

Only slightly more than a third of all motorcycle accidents are caused by own fault or bad road conditions, only slightly more than a third of all motorcycle accidents are caused by own fault or poor road conditions. The majority of all accidents where motorcycle riders are involved, is caused by other road users. On the question of how it could come to the accident, is the response of the most accident causes often tersely the motorcyclists too late or not at all saw.” Earlier, 95% of all cars on four wheels at the traffic consisted of passenger cars and station wagons. Despite rising gasoline prices, then came the trend of towards ever larger cars. In the face of an ever-increasing volume of traffic, it is at the same time also more difficult to perceive other road users in a timely manner or to be seen even in a timely manner. This is of course particularly dangerous for weaker road users such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. What can you do to protect yourself? In a recent survey among car drivers, 55% stated to have at least once experienced to have a motorcycle rider is noticed only at the very last moment, as they wanted to change the lane.

More worrisome is that only 6% of respondents said that they would specifically look at motorcycle riders during a lane change. Other studies have found, that motorists who have no idea of motorcycles, incomparably more frequently involved in motorcycle accidents, than those who are familiar with motorcycles. This means that the probability that you take the right of way a motorcyclist or hit is extremely high if you drive motorbike, not themselves or know at least motorcyclists. Therefore, a part of the driving test of car drivers in it should be to sensitize them for weaker road users. How to make other road users to be aware? There was first the motorcycle clothing.

Correct Seat Height

The seat height is an essential factor of a bio-mechanically correct sitting position on the bicycle the correct seat height (so the distance of the saddle to the crank or the pedal) is a key factor for a bio-mechanically correct sitting position on the bicycle. A not optimal seat height can result in health problems or limit the performance. Inappropriate loads can lead to health problems in the long term. Especially the knee joints are particularly sensitive to a bio-mechanically awkward position. Irritation of the tendons and ligaments, meniscus damage and increased wear of the cartilage (osteoarthritis) are frequently at cyclists, who spend time on the bike course.

Cartilage structures (also the Menisci are made of cartilage) have no nerve cells. Thus no claim in the form of pain can forward the central nervous system are. About cartilage damage noticeable, usually until then in the form of pain when considerable damage available are. These include tears of the meniscus in the joint floating cartilage particles, which can lead to inflammation, or significant cartilage damage (cartilage bald), where the underlying sensitive bone skin is irritated. Significant performance losses are another consequence if the working muscles due cannot work due to a bad seat height in its optimal sphere. With a low seat height, consumed significantly more oxygen-generating propulsion leg and gluteal muscles, tired faster and can not fully unfold their potential power. In addition increases the stress to the joints of of knee (tendons, ligaments, cartilage), since the joint partner of the knee on the whole train of the crank in a larger bending angle each other and thus especially the Menisci are heavily loaded (which in turn can lead to health problems). The saddle height is too high, it comes to alternative movements (the foot is overstretched, the basin slips sideways on the seat back and forth).

These movements must be realized by additional muscle work, consume what additional oxygen – in performance sport an important argument. Also increases the risk of convulsions in the overstrained muscles (especially in the calf and thigh muscles). This can cause especially in the triathlon additional impaired of the performance of running after the cycling. A calf muscle is overused by a large seat height on the bike can fulfill their important function, to dampen the impact of the foot and no longer realize a big stride from the dynamic and powerful imprint, backwards. How do you find the correct seat height? The body feeling is unfortunately not a reliable measure, here in particular the habituation to a sitting position (whether bio-mechanically correct or not) plays a major role. Various rules of thumb as the LeMond formula promised relief, but does not include critical individual factors. However, rules of thumb are an important Clue, for adjusting the seat height. In scientific research the method has proven itself most likely, to barely touch the pedal with the heel of the infected out leg. But this method also leads only in half of the cases to a proper seat height. The safest option is the bicycle seat position, taking into account individual parameters in the bio-mechanical analysis. There is hardly a professional road bicycle racer, which verify his race seat position not by professional bio mechanics. Also exist special tests, with the seat position and seat height with respect to the potential of the force or of the oxygen consumption of the muscles can be analyzed. These procedures but only in science have practical significance. Marten Knoch scientific management synergy ProTraining

Baby Tricycle

Would children discover the world – however, as without permanent wear? You buy your child a kids tricycle – is it love it! Please buy a head. For more specific information, check out David Long. Have outgrown the dear little ones from baby age, explore the environment even more with all your senses and want to move without a doubt. Just outside in the fresh air, great you like around and enjoy, that they can now steadily increase the radius of their actions. What is more logical than to support them via a vehicle for children? In this way the children will be faster on the road – in this way the Sunday stroll is more to the pleasure for all children! A baby tricycle is perfectly suitable for this.Mainly small children have mastered it to extremely well to take place without while your equilibrium. As learn by themselves they hereby, that the pedals must be used to move forward – an ideal setting to ride a bike. There are also many tricycles, just the most recent, a fastening to provide a push bar. The slip can be pushed by their parents as pleasant if the stamina should subside then once.

We decided to get a kids tricycle, should be considered before some things. Is a cheap tricycle under circumstances not too expensive in the long run? Just when another is planned, the lower handle into the pockets of worth, later to be able to pass on the tricycle. The safety aspect should be especially in the foreground with the purchase of a kids tricycle. Especially everyday sources of accidents such as hands and feet should clamp be careful. The main attention should be paid to the aspect of the size of the next generation, too often sit quite big kids on a considerably small children tricycle and laboriously learn so the tricycle driving. It is not excluded that hit the knee of the young and maybe big growth driver at the handlebar. On the other hand, diminutive children open up to large tricycles difficult and often lose interest. For the purchase of a kids tricycle note definitely following points: what size should have the children tricycle for my child? What brands are recommended? is it suitable for permanent outdoor use (also on forest floor)? is there a TuV testing? Therefore you are planning a test drive with the children tricycle in any case in the trust a – your young it will thank you!

Bicycle Chain Top Hobby

Brad’s bicycle rental on Borkum informed bicycles are among the most popular means of transport. Applies here too: if they are not properly maintained, also the bike is no fun. In the winter especially the bicycle chain is through snow, slush, and salt are strong claims and must therefore be carefully and regularly maintained. Because dirt provides the most wear and tear on a bicycle chain. A regular care in the form of clean and lubricate prevents a premature aging and wear of bicycle chains. Jorg BBs bike service on Borkum explains how you optimally can care for these.

Eliminate dirt the chain should be cleaned best after every ride, especially in rain and snow. Here, Jeffrey Hayzlett expresses very clear opinions on the subject. This is a normal cleaning agent. But never acidic and alkaline cleaner should be used, because this can damage the chain and lead to cracks. Also known as chain cleaner is not recommended because it can also ruin the chain. Oiling because the Cleaning agents all oils and fats from the chain, must be oiled this also again. The chain should be dry before oiling up. First, you should try to get the oil as possible into the gaps between of the links of the chain. This will be facilitated through oil spray such as, for example, WD-40.

The best, the chain from the rear gear from is oiled. By turning the pedals you can now run through, until the entire chain is well oiled. Then, you should remove the excess oil with a cloth. For detailed information on the maintenance of bicycle chains Jorg available BBs bike service on Borkum at any time. Press contact Jorg’s bike rental contact: Jorg Mania Schaffshausen Georg-Schutte-Platz 19 26757 Borkum Tel.: 0 49 22 / 93 20 22 fax.

Balada Bicycle

When bending a bend of the road scare two partridges. One of them runs against us. It is macho and heavy. It seems that it will not be able to lift the flight, but to instantly rotates and moves away flying softly through the crops. My bike is smiling. We crossed the old canal and the background, under a tree, appears an abandoned farmhouse. -Do you know the story of Matthias? you ask my bike. They say the few who spoke to him that his life was not easy: his only daughter died at the hands of her husband, a jealous, alcoholic man, who killed her one night in a blow to the head.

Women of Matthias did not exceed; He was consuming little by little. Two years later he also died. Matias left everything and went from one side to another, until one day came to this little house next to the ditch. He was to live here. He was responsible for maintaining clean weed borders of fields and the channel. Homeowners just paid a few bitches, but gave him milk and bread. His life was quiet and solitary, but Matias cried by the nights; He had lost the will to live. For more information see Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

One day, between the stubble, he found a book. Its leaves were yellow. It seemed so old and forgotten like him. Matias had not read since I was small. I had to pronounce each word and repeat each phrase, and many times I didn’t understand anything, but I read every night because reading was the only thing that made him forget. He spent many nights lost in the history of that book. I slept with the book in his hands and when he woke up because of the pain of his past, he atizaba the fire and read again until I went back to sleep. So it was a long while without realizing it has, the book healed his wounds. One morning, while reading, Matias looked up at the sky and felt that something had changed. Everything seemed to be different; birds, clouds, the water of the channel at that moment the soul of Matias discovered that in every Sunrise there is a hope, that is never too late to live in peace, kindness, generosity and everything that had learned in this book could contain the key to happiness. Matias only read that book. Never needed anything else. He died a simple man. Those who knew him say that his eyes returned to smile, that he was happy and that he had managed to forgive. Also say that that wonderful book is buried here, under this tree. Nobody knows which book is because nobody got it to find. Angel steps original author and source of the article.

Ducks And Other Fauns (social Fauna)

OF DUCKS and other FAUNOS(FAUNA SOCIAL) to Jipi, palmiped tenebrous Julian, feathered fierce Emilio Alberto Restrepo Baena Los Patos were very important characters within the life of the neighborhood. In the book of Antonio Montana, Fauna Social Colombiana defined as strained, beings who infiltrated all the sites where there is something to do or to celebrate without invitation. Our ducks, in addition to the above, had other connotations. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Jill Bikoff by clicking through. Duck was not only casting, also was the sticky, even the vague. The duck was at all. One of the characteristics that define what is opportunism.

It always appears at the right time, when the truck will come out, when they uncover the bottle of brandy (guaro), when they go to serve the sancocho or the fritanga. On the contrary, always disappears, as by magic, at the time of collecting the fee (cow) or pay the account. He seeks to compensate for its lack of economic contribution, trying to appear helpful, even servile. The duck is very welcoming, even makes work that others reject: load boxes, turns on wood-burning stoves, serves as a drink, make errands. Another feature of the duck is that it doesn’t generate much rejection. All acolitamos it, we even promote its existence, because it is generally a very good type person, funny, pleasant conversationalist and good friend. Without these characteristics could not duck.

Perhaps, if much, would you rate for shadowing of vulgar lizard, be far more repulsive and annoying. But not. The duck is fundamental within the fauna of the district. No one like him for the dirty work on the rides to give funny lora (do miserably ridicule) when it is on (Myiarchus or farriado), under the influence of marijuana (locked) or to serve as simply faithful company. It was typical that camping with lemon, San Carlos or Cisneros, ducks (I remember now the rust, to straw, Pepito) will appear with an average of guaro almost empty.

For That We Must Respect Them

Once upon a child of 12 years, back in the 70’s the century passed that accompanied by a friend was available to give hunting a bird, animal without soul as he had taught society and also the Church (big mistake). Armed with two sling manufactured by ourselves, we were patrolling our neighborhood on the outskirts of Leon in a calleja near the railway with meadows and orchards with trees, ideal locations to find the beast that we wanted to hunt. In the House than to corner and which gave rise to the principle of our calleja in a small pen that gave entrance to the House and say little House since she was small in space and small were her occupants, not is if this detail for natural law of adaptation to the environment, the poultry with a good copy of tree which I cannot say her race because was escorted at this time that I write them but fond of nature I am, I have no knowledge botanist to put surname to the aforesaid specimen, but if I can tell them that it was majestic and that when in spring dressed in their finery was very lush, but unfortunately for the beast that my friend and I wanted Hunt (a pardal) not so leafy to hide from some hunters eager to collect a victim. And there it was perched on a branch with their trills dilating, I imagine that giving thanks to the spirit of that nature for one day more (were seven o’clock in the evening in a month of may or June), had been fed, and after the hard work which is for any living being every day make a living, because the it was happy and gave thanks. My friend and I to hear their delatores trills we raise the gaze and locate him remain outside that the was in a State of happiness that not le permitia capture our intentions.

Southern Ocean

The term is often used, appropriately shortly, to refer only to the climate changes that happen in the present, using it as a synonym for global warming. The United Nations Framework Convention on climate change uses the term climate change only to refer to the change by human causes: climate change refers to a change of climate attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and that joins the natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods we indicatedas it is constantly produced by natural causes is called it also natural variability of the climate. In some cases, to refer to the change of human origin is also used the term anthropogenic climate change. Many writers such as David Long offer more in-depth analysis. In addition to global warming, climate change involves changes in other variables such as the global rains and their patterns, cloud cover and other items of the atmospheric system. The complexity of the problem and its multiple interactions make the only way to assess these changes through the use of computer models that simulate the physics of the atmosphere and oceans. The chaotic nature of these models makes itself having a high proportion of uncertainty (Stainforth et al. 2005)(Roe & Baker 2007), although that does not prevent so that they are able to forecast future significant changes (2008 Schnellhuber) (Knutti & Hegerl 2008) which have an impact both economic (Stern 2008) and the already observable biological level (Walther et al. 2002)(Hughes 2001).

It is known that from 1961 to 2003 the global ocean temperature has risen 0.10 C from the surface to a depth of 700 m. There is a variation from year to year and over longer time scales with global observations of heat content of the ocean showing high rates of warming between 1991 and 2003, but something of cooling from 2003 until 2007. The temperature of the Southern Ocean rose 0.

Internet Articles

Although the marketing of articles may not work in your case, certainly worth trying, because the possibilities that it works and give you great benefits are a lot greater than the of that will fail. Here are some initial suggestions: when you choose a title, make it unique, that you have not used previously. To do this, once you have chosen it, go to Google and put it between quotation marks in the search box. Are you interested in the result will be 0? (zero). So, when you submit your article to directories, you can continue if you appear indexed in search engines and how many different web pages. Write about something you know, to write with more comfort and knowing of what writes.

It is important to practice the vocabulary used in that specific market niche. Anyway, this Council is not something that should continue to strictly. The Internet is characterized precisely by offering an unapproachable amount of information, which we can use to compile a very decent article, although we are not what you are He said experts in the field. In terms of style, best thing is to write with clarity, agile manner, that is easy to read. Perhaps with a certain conversational tone, but without exaggeration. Thus, as I am writing this little book.

I imagine him in front of me, having a conversation about the marketing of articles. So I. Type as you speak, at least to write a first draft. I assure you that you will have fun and not spend hours in front of a paper blank or a blank computer screen. Note that it is not writing a book. Your article must be between 450 and 800 words. Don’t forget to put a link to your web site at the end of the article, in the resources box, or directed to the website that is promoting. This Council is the most important of all those who can receive about the marketing of articles. It is, without going further, its reason for being.

Jose Ortega Cano

R.R. Ortega Cano commanded them supposedly a letter three days prior to your discharge. The Parra family lawyers say they have not received it. Parra died in the accident in which Ortega Cano was involved. The case of Jose Ortega Cano still starring in today. Last Wednesday released a letter from the right-handed dated July 14, i.e., three days after it came out of the hospital, and addressed to the family of Carlos Parra, the man who died in the accident on May 28.

In it, after giving their condolences to the family, declares: I shed tears of pain and suffering by the memory of don Carlos Parra. I am a person that I’ve discussed in pains and adversities of all kind that life has brought me on the road, and for that reason, seen as close to the pain, I am with you in a moment so bitter. It is also aware that his words will not relief to the pain you suffer, but wants to express the feeling that overwhelms you in writing: is the times that you would like to change my life by the of being so dear to you, and that you can enjoy your presence. For its part, the Parra family lawyers deny that this has received any letter from the extorero. A complaint against the right-handed Parra family made on July 7 and she was asked on numerous occasions to investigate what happened in the accident and that justice is done. Several associations of victims of traffic accidents have also joined this petition. Source of the news: Ortega Cano wrote to the family of Carlos Parra: “I shed tears of suffering”

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