LinkedIN Program

Perhaps if you want more customers, you you find that the social marketing is the reply that you have looked for. Learn more about this topic with the insights from LivingSocial. In the truth, many people are using traditional methods of marketing and had concentrated themselves completely in social marketing. For that reason, I decid to give the one looked at deepest one in the LinkedIN program. She is as what many of vocs already are made familiar to the LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a platform of social marketing professional and entrepreneurs to offer to its services and products for other professionals. LinkedIn is also a site where you could finish for finding a new career. If you will be interested in knowing popular quo this site of social marketing you became, you you can simply ask to one of the 100 million members that this site already has. The rudimentos of the Linkedin program are to educate common people on as better to use this site and to get the maximum of its association.

Entailed influence possesss 4 modules and in this article we go to speak on each one. Module 1 – Configuration of the things the first one module shows necessarily as to configure its profile in the LinkedIn. The first module also will go to demonstrate as to optimize its profile, in an attempt to be certain to get as many people that to arrive you. The use of word-key in its profile is vital so that the people can find it. this program shows as to choose best the word-key to make its profile to appear in the research. This aid you to get the attention that it needs for its profile in the LinkedIn. Module 2 – Maximizing its presence In the LinkedIn, he has numerous groups and you you go to discover as to take off advantage of these groups to help it to grow a well great list of e-mails of people as.

Typhoon Without

No and in my own mural publicness: haven’t been Incontables times have spared the tenderness that claim without words at the same time. I’ve disguised me goodness, pretending that some so accept me. I’ve sacrificed so many present as pores on my skin, thinking of the past which I lost in pain that no longer exists more than in the mirage of my memories. The dam of my memories that clouds my heart. I have not been, or have ceased to be good companion. One day, lejanisimo ya, I got lost in my own deep tidal force.

Moonless night came, she swallowed me swirl ice cream from my mistakes (I will not say sins, but thought it). The illuminated surface of the calm waters where sailing was not over when I emerged. Waterfalls in sunsets covered with clouds of storms, cliffs and crags. The sea became a turbulent River and my boat a boat without oars. He began to leave blood in my mouth by the insecurity of my words. Crying became routine.

A pit nostalgia. A custom repentance, and the future an already It will pass. Since then the feeling that not reap more in pink land is already enquilosada. So foolish claiming impossible futures and smothering love. Stepping on flowers. Defending me from which defends. Killing me of fear by having forgotten the feeling of true freedom. Forces nothing so foolish, wanting to make sure I love without expiration date. So blind, demanding guarantees long-term where do not exist. So unable to, claiming fruit without sowing so silly seeds, watering boil bad of my own insecurity. Dragging as Typhoon that took me by the hand. Being centrifugal force and which calls for stability at the same time. No I haven’t been a good companion, I have not been the person recommended, that model that I recognized and bloats me happy pride years ago. I’ve not known love, I feel like the little girl who delivered flowers as a detail and does not measure the force with which tightens the stems and delivers them ready to die and then gets to mourn. That’s me, that the boat without oars becomes a fast course to apprehend the forgotten. That by not being able to turn on the light destroys the room trying to clean it. Original author and source of the article.

Coating Ideal

Microcemento, also known as continuous pavement or cement grinding, is a coating of cement that can be applied on other bases, thus hiding the flaws and fissures. Although it is a fine material, is extremely durable and can be used indoors and outdoors, in all types of surfaces. In terms of Interior: floors, kitchens, bathrooms, hallways, walls, halls, etc. As for exteriors: terraces, swimming pools, sports courts, etc. It is a cement modified with polymers of high resistance and durability. One of the advantages of the polished cement is the wide variety of colors that exist for your application, and the different chromatic shades included in each color. For all tastes. When the microcemento has been applied correctly adheres permanently to the surface on which it has been applied and can perfectly resist external climatic aggression or a very high continuous people trafficking.

So it is also an ideal material to apply in areas and public buildings such as the museums. In short, these are the main advantages of the microcemento: it is very aesthetic and elegant. It is very versatile and can be applied on all types of surfaces. No need to remove existing material. It has no joints, it is completely homogeneous. It is very fine: 2 mm. It does not crack.

It is very resistant, lasting and supports external aggressions. It is available in a wide range of colors. It can be combined with other materials such as wood. It just requires maintenance. It is waterproof. It is fire retardant. For this and much more, perhaps you should consider the next reform to perform than with microcemento. However, due to the complexity of this material, is totally recommended the implementation of the same by a professional qualified, certified and experienced in the microcement. Original author and source of the article.


To perform what one intends in life it is essential to have great confidence in himself. Ralph Waldo Emerson, great American philosopher, said: confidence in yourself is the first secret of success. In a general way, we can say that people are what they want to be and that we have control over our own lives, and that the results will depend on what we do or stop doing. Let us remember that we are what we think we are. Everything, absolutely everything, is first generated in our mind. No one can be or become something that has not thought. If a person has thoughts of grandeur and optimism, that person will be large and optimistic.

If you have mediocre and pessimistic thoughts will be mediocre and pessimistic. Our thoughts and our mental attitude are those that determine our destiny. For this reason, it is of great importance always projecting a large image of himself. When you get self-confidence can be to unsuspected heights compelled by that enormous force generated by self-reliance. You can if you think that you can. Nathaniel Branden, PH.D., psychologist and psychotherapist, in his book The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem (the six pillars of self-esteem), defines self-esteem as: trust in our ability to think, confidence in our ability to cope with the basic challenges of life; and confidence in our right to succeed and be happy, feel that we have courage, we deserve to meet our needs and desires, achieve our values and enjoy our efforts. Faith, the self-confidence and self-esteem are obtained through positive thoughts. People who have positive thoughts are optimistic and face the problems of life with hope and a positive attitude to solve problems.

Nathaniel Branden expresses the image that the person has of itself, either high or low, tends to be a generator of a prophecy that is met by itself. With confidence in himself the person is aware of his own abilities and is capable of achieving what is proposed. An extraordinary example is that we see in the photo. It is the Norwegian Eskil Ronningsbakken, the most notable tightrope Walker in the world, with his pupil Moses Wepukhuli of Kenya. Both show us a great confidence in the domain of their bodies and do what they want. Of course, you and I, possibly not do something similar never but if we are aware that confidence is vital in life we can succeed and achieve happiness. Self-confident same is accept responsibility for your own actions, you have a balanced attitude, it is flexible to the actions of other people, change is accepted as something normal in life, acts without taking into account the views of third parties. The self-confidence is something that is acquired and that becomes a habit. Confidence in itself same can achieve what other people may think that it is impossible to perform. With self-confidence you will be able to take advantage of the opportunities that life presents us. Confidence in yourself is essential to success and happiness. Original author and source of the article.

Enjoying Los Angeles

CHAPTER 1.0 THE DAY THAT I HAD TO GET a He believed all my life, no doubt the creator will never abandon us no matter how stupid we become by our acts, but I can not help feeling confused, desperate and alone. I feel my body full of wounds, I see people dying at the same time cursing, my vision blurred environment kneeling I'm exhausted this is the last moment of my life not only in the mortal world but the way the world Eterio opposite me is the last of the Angels of Death a large penalties and sacrifices have defeated others of his race. "It just Guerrero, faith and hope for humans and for your class is over. You say the angel a winner in the whole plane. "Not yet, my brother, still is not over until it acabaa .

My words are interrupted by a cough that invades my body. -Conquered the beast is just that perish. "Where there is life there is death angel" In your twilight'd stop there and you know, you are not already part of this and other worlds. "In something I agree, my time has come, but finally it will balance as I told you I will not go just . My last breath I started burning from the center of my being, the attempt to join the movement is subject to countless signs of pain, but yet my gaze is fixed, I should do, only God Ho again as you please beg you who are all powerful.

San Valentin

In order to clear this incognito we have compiled the history of San Valentin. Jeffrey Hayzlett usually is spot on. We invited to you to you read that it and serves your own conclusions: The enamored ones are in our calendar to demonstrate or to reaffirm their love by means of gifts, dedications or poems but why the 14 of February? You want to know the legend San Valentin and where comes this celebration? Diverse theories exist that grant to this date the origin of the Day of the Enamored ones. In the Nordic countries it is during these dates when the birds catch up and match up, for that reason this period is seen like a creation and love symbol. Some think that it is a cristianizada celebration of the paganism, since in old Rome the adoration to the God of the love was realised, whose Greek name was Eros and to who the Romans called Cupid. In this celebration the favors of the God through gifts or offerings were requested to thus be able to find the ideal enamored one. Also, and many centuries ago, &quot was traditional in England; celebration of valentinus" , where they chose a men and to women so that they formed pair. Many of these pairs became husband and woman and secured the pair happiness that is hoped to find and to consolidate the Day of San Valentin.

Other sources center the origin of the history of San Valentin in the Rome of century III, time at which the Christianity was persecuted. In this period also the marriage between the soldiers was prohibited since it thought that the single woman men rendered more in the battlefield that the married men because emotionally they were not bound to his families. It is in these circumstances when the figure arises from San Valentin, a Christian priest who before such injustice decides to marry secretly to the pairs under the Christian ritual of the Roman eyes.

Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo

We just thought to ourselves. This is the cause why absolute thought think of us lots of things every time we observed and analyzed. Another cause is the movement by which all things are transformed. But note that the movement is vital for us men and for things, but nothing more essential in the entire universe that the consciousness since it generates thought when we can be aware of the reality of us as beings and the reality of things. Young people in awareness saved are areas of thinking and experiences of any knowledge. 20 2007 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo in the metaphysical area is different.

The sphere is motionless because it represented in your system, the be. And that if be moved, changed or mutaba, would lose its essence as be primitive. I.e. being that it is cause and origin of everything in the universe. For Parmenides the being was absolute and immutable. For this reason he rejects the doctrine of Heraclitus.

Llamandola opinion, since the doctrine of Heraclitus was purely materialistic. Because this trust of the senses. Descartes us I would say that the senses more often deceive. The doctrine of truth forms its basis in reason. Which you need the experience but is not limited to it in its entirety and if in part. The philosopher Manuel Garcia Morente explains some issues relating to Parmenides. It says: Parnenides of Elea introduces the biggest revolution that is known in the history of human thought. Parmenides of Elea carried out the feat more great Western, European, thinking has fulfilled from twenty-five centuries ago, so much that we continue to live today on the same Rails and runways were opened by Parmenides of Elea, philosophical and where this enpujo, with a huge boost. The human philosophical thought. 2007 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo 21 in one of the phrases of the metaphysical poem of Parmenides, you can find a great truth and to its ves can be analyzed one of the facets of Greek wisdom. Which says: 22 2007 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo original author and source of the article.

Paz Interior

PS. Fernando Alexis Jimenez trees began to fall as the sound of chainsaws increased in the forests of Caucheria, the Brazilian people in which Chico Mendez fought a bitter battle to prevent construction of a highway, and indiscriminate logging, lead to an ecological disaster of unpredictable consequences. He was born and grew up in a humble family, soon felt the absence of a mother. As a teenager he learned to read, and since then, to the extent that the books carried him to fly on the wings of imagination, stroked the dream that one day by far to appear on the horizon arrived to be free from the oppression of those who bought the latex to the price they wanted, and subjected them to misery and despair. From a relevant position in the rural workers Union, organization reached by a blow of fate, denounced the ecological attack that aimed to perpetrate those who burned large tracts of forest to make way to a highway and, incidentally, erect on their enormous margins winning herds. They wanted to kill nature. It would be the use of that people and also, the final puntillazo to the only activity that for years had earned economic resources. She starred in nonviolent demonstrations, convinced that dialogue is the only way to resolve conflicts.

He was imprisoned, tortured, psychologically pressured and cornered so abandon your dreams. However it did not do so. Thanks to his tenacity prevented the civil works and a large territory was designated by the Government of Brazil as the first forest reserve in Amazon. Chico Mendez paid with his life the price of defending Earth for early people to overcome the history of this leader, one of the largest in South America, is marked by three elements: first, fidelity to your goals and dreams; the second, an unwavering faith in God and the conviction that violence does not bring anything new; and third, the visionary condition that you He allowed thinking in his life but also in that of others, and how much that meant the Amazon jungle for the continent and the planet. His decision not to respond with aggressive acts against multiple provocations, makes to the medidar in their struggle to necessarily remember the biblical principle raised by the Lord Jesus: Blessed are the meek, because they will receive land for an inheritance. Blessed are those who have hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.(Matthew 5: 6, 7).

You can also lay the groundwork for a change in the world that surrounds him. No matter how great seem his dreams. You can achieve them with God’s help. Don’t forget to ever who doesn’t dream, never comes to any side.

An Image Of The Existence

AN IMAGE OF THE EXISTENCE If the matter can be assigned the epithet of substance. A substance will assign the matter. If the raw material is a pure and indeterminate. Nothing will be known of it, however this does not deny his existence. A measure or matter without form is more known for existence. Why we say that the form is a basic element in this kind of study. Then you will not be first, pure and indeterminate.

Since the former is no longer in his being. And if you speak first, it should discuss first forming unit to form. As you lose the first essence to be pure and indeterminate. Because it is in act and the way that makes it another and determined. Now we can conceive of another kind of existence. Both more knowledge, more unified in their being of unity, because the size and shape make union with matter. I refute myself by saying that the concept of measurement is not necessary, because if has the form already contains a measure.

Thus matter and form may be a single existence. As said one who taught me when to properly use my free time. Just as the soul and body are one, matter and form are one. To conceive the existence of a design is to be each other's existence. The essence is the existence of this unit since joining disfigures imagine them being. It seems more conceivable view it as a unit. Given that unit is as it considers its existence, and it is precisely this that attests to his being.

Pablo Freire Work

Of 70 80% of the professors of Itaituba possess superior course, 30% are postgraduates and much people still are accomodated, not dumb its practical, do not dare, do not perfect themselves. Therefore, it is necessary that the professor changes it only leaves of being a mere reproducer of a preset model already, imprisoned what it is in books, without searching. (Teacher 2) He is Well-known in the speeches of the teachers who many educators speak in innovations, education of quality, differentiated methodologies, but this is only in speaks, because in the practical one, what it is seen is a reproduction in mass of the traditional education. as teacher 1 says, ' ' the people who are in the directions of schools are of a conception of different education, then, its finish reflecting in the schools the same strategies of work them mestres' '. It is more easy to work what already it comes soon of what to innovate, therefore of the work, is fatigante to search, to pass hours and hours the front of a computer if worrying about the education of the children of the others. Ahead of this, the education alone will be of quality when the educator to place in practical its speaks. In reason of this, Pablo Freire strengthens: Of what the competent speech advances if action is impermeable the change. Moreover, the second teacher says that many theoreticians are appearing with innovative conceptions, and the professors are reading, commenting, however, in the practical one it continues the traditionalism. Itaituba already has in its functional picture 80% of the formed professors, and this is not so clearly in the practical professor, therefore of what a graduation advances even though or after-graduation if the educative action continues in the mesmice, as if it did not have preparation to act in classroom? . Of this form, this ambivalence between practical speech and, is a problematic one for the development of any society that really longs for an education of quality.

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